Scientific Advisory Panel
Our 2023-27 Songlines & Shared Journeys Survey Program encompasses a wide range of scientific, archaeological, anthropological and cultural heritage elements and is integrated with the story of our First Nations people.
We work closely with Watti Watti Custodial Services and in particular with Mr Don Rowlands OAM, a Wangangurru/Yarluyandi Elder.
Don's family are from Munga-Thirri country (the Simpson Desert) and he is dedicated to sharing the story of all First Nations people who lived across Munga-Thirri.
Our recent discovery (2018 & 2021) of three more Mikiri (native wells) that were completely unknown in the ethnographic records for the region, highlight the critical importance of slowly walking country, and being alert to the signs that reveal the complex interaction between the Wangangurru/Yarluyandi and the landscape.

Dr Max Tischler and Don Rowlands pictured in 2019 at the site of the Mikiri discovery.
The 2023-27 program is constructed and overseen by our Executive Director Andrew Harper with input from the following leaders in arid zone desert research.
Dr Max Tischler (Former ADE Director and Chief Scientist)
Mr Charlie Nicholson (WA Department of Environment and Conservation, Retired)
Dr Boyd Wykes (Nature Conservation WA, Retired)
Associate Professor Karl Vernes (University of New England)
Dr Jennifer Silcock (University of Queensland)
Dr Ken Johnson AM (NT Parks and Wildlife Commission, Retired)
Dr Rick Southgate (Envisage Environmental Services)
Dr Pip Masters (Envisage Environmental Services)
Dr Aaron Camens (Flinders University)
Dr Julian Reid (Australian National University)
Dr Ayesha Tulloch (University of Queensland)
Dr Todd Elliott (University of New England)
Dr Ingereth MacFarlane (Australian National University)
Dr Rosemary Purdie (Australian National Botanic Gardens)
Professor Chris Dickman (University of Sydney)
Assoc. Professor Glenda Wardle (University of Sydney)
Mr David Gibson (NT Parks and Wildlife Commission, Retired)

In Memoriam and Acknowledgement for their great contribution to ADE and furthering our knowledge of the Central Deserts and the people who live in them
Professor Mike Smith AM (National Museum of Australia)
Luis Hercus (Australian National University)