Watti Watti/Mudhla Mudhla

Watti Watti/Mudhla Mudhla
7 Day Survey - July 15 > July 21, 1 day 4WD/5 days trekking/1 day 4WD
Survey grade:
Survey price: DesertSaver $5185
This survey will be conducted in Mudhla Mudhla country which basically means 'where the dunes meet the floodplain' of the Warburton River.
And in line with the two previous surveys, the ecological objective of this trip is to widen the search area and look for evidence of the lesser and greater bilby and plains mouse in addition to documenting any artefacts that we may encounter, as the survey route will be in an area that was a well used thoroughfare between water points.
Our ecologists will be conducting a bird survey, and we will also be collecting dog/cat/fox/raptor scats so as to determine what the predators are eating.
This is 'white dune' country, with broad open inter-dune corridors (swales) and many small salt lakes (below). It is very open country with few large trees, and some corridors are completely bare of vegetation. However what that does mean is that when we do encounter significant vegetation clumps, animal life is more concentrated which makes it easier to detect what may be living in this special environment.

On this survey, you will walk alongside our team of pack camels, accompanied by four cameleers who will serve as your crew for the duration of the journey. While technically not “tour guides,” our cameleers are, first and foremost, seasoned stockmen and women. They are experts in handling and working with camels, with a wealth of experience navigating the desert and deep knowledge of its flora and fauna. They also hold profound respect for the First Nations people who call this remarkable landscape home.
Over the course of a 5 to 6 hour walking day (including breaks) you will cover approximately 8 to 10 kilometres. Our pace is set by the camels, as they navigate the dunes and other natural features of the landscape. The camels carry all your personal gear, leaving you with just your daypack and a healthy attitude. Everything else is best left behind!
This is a truly authentic Australian desert experience. Camels are the perfect cross-country vehicle, allowing us to travel far from roads and tracks, with no vehicle back-up. Campsites are selected based on the availability of camel feed, and we never camp in the same place twice.
As Australia’s only trekking company specialising in remote desert travel, you won’t encounter other trekking groups. Unlike the 4WD tracks that can become virtual highways of vehicles in winter, we journey into a silent desert landscape, far removed from the crowds.
All of our treks are active participation experiences. The cameleers will gladly involve you in loading and unloading the camels as much as you’d like to participate, with the level of involvement decided on a day-to-day basis.
Your assistance is also warmly welcomed with various camp chores at the end of the day, such as collecting firewood or helping to shepherd the camels as they graze. These tasks are part of the unique experience and foster a deeper connection to the rhythm of desert life.

What's included
4WD transfers to/from Birdsville to the Simpson Desert
All camping equipment - swags, stools, tents. You bring your own sleeping bag and eating utensils
All meals, though we do not provide snacks
LOTS of space...
RFDS Medical Chest and emergency communications equipment
Crew of 4 to 5 cameleers
Desert Silence!
Trekking with an environmentally aware responsible business
(A detailed Survey Information Guide is sent to you when you book)
What's not included
Pre and post trek airfares and accommodation. You are responsible for arranging your travel to/from Birdsville and any accommodation. We can help organise this for you
Please look at this page How To Get To Birdsville
What else is recommended?
Travel Insurance. You have the option to arrange your own travel insurance, or you can contact us for a quote.
Where are we trekking?
In the shaded area of the map below in the Simpson Desert, South Australia.